Hago, the story of a jewelry lover.

Let me, doing some memory, try to narrate the journeys in time and space of my person, as geometer and jewelry lover. Thanks to my father who knew how to teach the use of tools when doing their bricolajes. And my grandfather had a hardware store, where I picked up all kinds of familiarity with playing materials for the stores. My sisters Amanda and Lourdes for letting me see your chest gems. At 18 he had already discovered the fun of the girls personal adornment and wishes to wear it. I started doing everything that I demanded and was within my reach. At 24 in a small van, loaded all my stuff and I moved to Ibiza riding the first smelting silver handmade island. The year was 78. The world of Hippie impressed me and I met some great craftsmen, their creativity was unquestionable; nothing to do with Malaga society from which it came. And I came back after a year and a half for family reasons.

After the birth of my three children, I opened the small shop on Avenida de Pries DO 7 and after 20 years alone doing all kinds of repairs and commissions, learned to know many ancient techniques of jewelry. Divine grace I had two of my children wanted to follow in my footsteps and pose a society in which we are engaged, is getting major improvements in all areas. I am very grateful to all customers for their support in the form of human warmth. These times make the work of manufacturing in Malaga with a team of six young-a challenge that we assume to show that things can still be done despite the strong external pressure. The overall aesthetic has changed, and we have taken possession on their own style of doing things. Our designs have a minimalist ethnic touch. The geometry will always play a major role in the concepts jewelers. Geometry danced, sacred geometry, golden ratio, mandalas ... And no more aesthetic additions.

From the desire to survive into another generation and from the affection and gratitude, I thank the supreme being, God.

Jose M. Rosado Valero


Add Your Heading
  1. Take a piece of thread or string and place it around your wrist, right where you will be wearing the bracelet. Make sure to mark the point where the end of the string meets the rest of the string.medida pulsera
  2. Remove the string from your wrist and measure its length on a ruler.medida pulsera tallas
  3. With the exact measurement, look for the corresponding size in the table.
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Bracelet Size Chart
Bracelet size Longitud (cm)
XXS 14,5 cm
XS 15,5 cm
S 16,5 cm
M 17,5 cm
L 18,5 cm
XL 21 cm
Add Your Heading
  1. Take a thin piece of thread or string and place it on the part of your finger where you will wear the ring. Bring the ends of the string together until they touch, so that it fits snugly around your finger.
  2. Mark the exact point where the string overlaps. Remove the string and measure that length with a ruler.
  3. See table for measurement
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Ring Size Chart
Ring size Length (mm)
646 mm
747 mm
848 mm
949 mm
1050 mm
1151 mm
1252 mm
1353 mm
1454 mm
1555 mm
1656 mm
1757 mm
1858 mm
1959 mm
2060 mm
2161 mm
2262 mm

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